Weird Stuff/Other


TV Shows/TV Related

Unreleased Movies

Weird Stuff/Other

Bob Dylan

Music Related (non-Dylan)

Officially Released/Retail


Heaven's Gate Cult Video: 10/5/96 "Planet About To Be Recycled, Your Only Chance To Survive" + 9/29/96 "Last Chance To Evacuate Earth Before It's Recycled" (1 DVD)
11/17/78 Star Wars Holiday Special (1 DVD)
Mindbenders Vol. 1 (1960's LSD propaganda/educational films) (1 DVD)
Deception Of A Generation (1980's) (1 DVD)
Perverse Preachers, Fascist Fundamentalists,and Kristian Kiddie Kooks (1980's) (1 DVD)
Star Wars Deleted Magic (1 DVD)
The Columbine Tapes (1999) (2 DVDs)
Farrakhan Megamix (1980's-1990's) (1 DVD)
JFK CBS News Bulletins (PAL format) (11/22/63) (2 DVDs)
Osama bin Laden: Death To America + 1/23/89 Ted Bundy's final interview (1 DVD)
9/11 Conspiracies Vol. 1 (PAL format) (1 DVD)
Star Wars Audition Films (1978) + bonuses (1 DVD)
Mondo Jerry Lewis (compilation) (1 DVD)
Salvador Dali Collection (1 DVD)
Jeffrey Dahmer: As Seen On TV (1980'S) (1 DVD)
Haile Selassie I: Jamaica/Trinidad/Tobago visits + two 1966 archival reports (1 DVD)
Haile Selassie I: Year Of The Creator (1 DVD)
Don't Do Drugs Vol. 1 (Collection of education films about drug use) (1 DVD)
Star Wars Rarities (2 DVDs)
Pirate TV Vol #1 - Episodes 3 & 4 (1 DVD)
Chelsea Hotel (documentary about famous NYC hotel) (PAL format) (1 DVD)

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